Judgement is part of human nature, everyone does it. It’s the impact and level of influence it has that’s important.
Every coach, by the very nature of their training and their conscience, will know if they are straying away from their ‘central line’/ their ‘coaching core’..the thing that tells them if they are graduating towards any judgement. The difference is that they will pull themselves up on it if it happens, throw a ‘fire blanket’ over it to stop it from being fuelled, stop it, get back on track and will definitely reflect on it afterwards.
If a client moves towards judgement it can shift the whole dynamic of the session. It affects the questions we ask as well as how we ask them and the ability to serve the client 100%, can be massively compromised.
Judgement is also subjective. However hard a coach is working to be non-judgemental if you feel judged that is how you feel, nobody can deny that, it’s your experience.
If you don’t experience any judgement you can be sure that the coach has worked really hard to ensure that they keep themselves aligned to their ‘central line/’coaching core’
So, let’s get into it…
Having a coach can be both exciting and daunting. Opening up to someone about your goals, aspirations, and personal challenges requires trust, vulnerability and bravery. As the question I was asked shows, coaching clients or anyone thinking of having a coach, may have a fear of being judged. So, let’s address this apprehension head-on and reassure you that any professional coach is committed to creating a safe and non-judgmental space so that you can get the very best out of the time you’re paying for. Purposeful, effective and enlightening time has no room for judgement.
Coaches are trained professionals who understand the importance of maintaining objectivity and impartiality throughout the coaching process. We approach a client session with an open mind and without judgment or personal bias.
Coaches know that in order to do their job of championing and partnering they need to be unbiased, to listen and ask skilful questions that are relevant and surface a clients best thinking. To be unbiased we need to notice and stop any assumptions or passing of judgment. Our sole focus is to help clients explore their thinking in an environment that breeds openness and honesty. That’s where the value comes. Judgement doesn’t create any value at all. In fact it actually stops pure coaching from happening as it goes against the ethos so much. If judgement is evident, pure coaching isn’t.
Confidentiality and Trust:
Confidentiality is a cornerstone of the coach-client relationship. A reputable coach adheres to a strict code of ethics that emphasizes the protection of client information. They provide a secure and confidential environment where clients can freely express themselves without the fear of their personal information being shared or used against them. This commitment to confidentiality fosters trust, enabling clients to delve into sensitive topics with confidence, knowing that their privacy will be respected.
Non-Judgmental Approach:
Coaches understand that personal growth involves self-discovery, introspection, and occasionally confronting difficult truths. They are trained to approach these moments with compassion and empathy, free from judgment. Coaches are aware that their clients are the expert in themselves and that everyone has their unique experiences, so they respect individual perspectives and choices. They need to create a space that encourages open dialogue, free from the fear of being criticized or evaluated.
Celebrating Individuality:
Coaching is centred around honouring the individuality of each client. That may sound a bit trite but it’s true. A skilled coach recognizes and celebrates the diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and values that shape their clients’ lives. They embrace the idea that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to personal growth. Instead, they encourage clients to embrace their unique qualities and experiences, as well as their own way of addressing challenges and finding solutions.
Empathy and Compassion:
Coaches are not just knowledgeable professionals; they are empathetic and compassionate individuals dedicated to their clients’ well-being. They actively listen, seeking to understand their clients’ perspectives and experiences. This simply isn’t possible for a coach if they allow judgement to enter their head.. By creating a nurturing environment, coaches foster an atmosphere of trust, allowing clients to feel brave, to feel comfortable about being a bit vulnerable. If you’re being open, honest, brave and vulnerable, you’re probably working with a good coach.
Growth and Empowerment:
Coaches firmly believe in the potential for growth and transformation within every individual they work with. Their ultimate goal is to empower clients to reach their full potential and achieve their desired outcomes. This mindset is rooted in the belief that every client has experiences and resources that will enable them to get to where they want to be. Every single person has this potential. By embodying this philosophy, coaches create an environment where clients can embrace their own growth journeys without the fear of judgment.
The coaching relationship is a unique partnership that thrives on trust, confidentiality, empathy, and understanding. Reputable coaches are committed to creating a safe and non-judgmental space for their clients, where they can freely explore their aspirations, challenges, and dreams. This space, the reflections from the clients and the skilful questions from a coach empowers a client to become the best version of themselves.
So, rest assured, as a coaching client, you can embrace your journey with confidence, knowing that your coach is dedicated to your well-being, growth, and success.
And in true coaching style you know who the right coach is for you. You know from talking to them if they are right for you and you certainly know if you feel able to speak openly, honestly and freely.
And when you find the right coach for you, trust that they will do their best for you, once you’ve both discovered what that is. Working together as a team.